Cigar is a man’s best friend
It holds your deepest secrets and turns it into smoke
Cigars and tobacco have been a prominent part of many pivotal moments in history. Famous military leaders have plotted their greatest victories in the thick aroma and smoke of a fine cigar. Smoking has long been a source of inspiration, meditation and reflection for many of the world’s most gifted writers.
Ancient Mayan cave drawings depict tobacco use, but it was Christopher Columbus who discovered an early version of cigars when he first arrived in Cuba and brought it back to Europe.
Firing up a fine and premium cigar and getting lost in thought is a common mutual undertaking and is a worthy companion for analysing and solving a host of problems.
“Smoking cigars is like falling in love. First, you are attracted by its shape; you stay for its flavour, and you must always remember never, never to let the flame go out!”
—Winston Churchill.
We do not offer Tobacco on this website therefore please refer to your nearest Tobacconist for Cigar supply.